Today (and more than ever in this period), for managers, entrepreneurs, and anyone in the position of having to make important decisions, staying as efficient and sharp as possible is not just a necessity: it is a duty. Certainly, stress and hectic schedules do not help, not to mention that, at times, problems are not limited to work; even a top manager is a man or a woman like everyone else and, perhaps, even in their personal life they have problems.
Contrad Swiss, a Swiss company that operates in the field of pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, and supplements, has developed ZAZZ, a product precisely purposed to help in the management of everyday life: with all its frenzy and its full agendas. An everyday life to be faced without stress, a factor which not only limits one’s activity but is also a contributing factor to real pathologies. Talking to us about this product and its development is Marketing Director, Carmen Gerardi.
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What is Contrad Swiss’ history and what is its core business?
Stories, or at least the good ones, always come from something big. The story of Contrad Swiss comes from a great dream, from the dream of changing the world. In fact, when you say it like that, it may sound like BS, but that’s actually what happened. Our history stems from the desire to bring something never seen before on the pharmaceutical market, to innovate at all levels, to revolutionize preconceptions and to reverse previously held certainties. With all the problems this can bring. So, Contrad Swiss is bringing new products, in concept and formulation, as well as a new way of being a company. Here we have a lean, dynamic, very smart team. There is also the collaboration with Dr. JO Serrentino, a luminary in the field of cellular signaling, with whom we immediately found ourselves speaking the same language in terms of sharing ideas and projects. This strength, represented by our history, has led to the creation of 3 product lines: a supplement intended for top managers such as ZAZZ, the pain line that represents our “blockbuster” and a line of regenerative cosmetics. In more technical terms, our «changing the world” is called SIGMOLECS: SIGMOLECS is the great revolution that we bring to the global market, making use of 30 years of knowledge in the application of coded peptides to mimic signaling molecules. In fact, SIGMOLECS peptides mimic the action of endogenous signaling molecules, they are stable and highly bioavailable.
How would you describe the philosophy that drives the company’s business?
Our philosophy is very simple: what we bring to market must work quickly, to understand if it works immediately or not, we must try it. We have to try it ourselves first. All of our products are tested internally and, if they don’t work right away, if there isn’t what we call the “wow effect”, we don’t sell them: regardless of the money spent and the time dedicated to the project. And it happened, it happened with different products: they didn’t work (immediately and well) on us and we left them where they were. And then there is our way of being, there are our values from which we do not want to move even an inch. Non-invasiveness is another philosophy that we have chosen to embrace, in that meeting of minds with our developer that I spoke about earlier. ZAZZ is a perfect example of this way of being a product that works immediately, that we have tried, that has been designed and built around the people it is aimed at.

Our philosophy is very simple: what we bring to the market must really work, to understand if it really works or not, we have to try it first. We must try it ourselves first.
How did your interest in a product like ZAZZ arise?
ZAZZ was born from a request, a necessity, a lack, something that wasn’t there but was needed, something that is there now. It was born from the desire to create a new product in line with our history, our values, and our philosophy. There is a huge amount of work behind it, which is based on the most recent research at the nootropic level (i.e. on substances that increase the cognitive abilities of the human being.) and a very painstaking formulation. Ingredients of the highest quality, on which we accept no exceptions, but also a very precise dosage of their percentages: because the components of a product must work in harmony and strengthen each other, without conflict, without cancelling each other out. It arises from the assumption that “less is more”: few components, but all essential. It derives from a hoped-for result: a product capable of acting on the level of stress and anxiety management, working at all levels on the “brain-liver” axis.
What are the main characteristics of ZAZZ and the benefits it is able to bring?
The first feature is that it works, it really works, it works immediately. It is aimed at managers, entrepreneurs, people who during the day are called upon to make important decisions and therefore need clarity. Men and women who are often passionate about sports, who run or cycle, who do triathlons, and who need clarity and calm to organize their schedule arranging meeting, a workout, an airplane flight, another meeting. ZAZZ is healthy and it is done well: each ingredient has been researched and carefully chosen, it does not contain artificial sweeteners and preservatives, because we do not conceive that a product designed to be healthy can contain something that causes harm.
Who is ZAZZ recommended for and how can you find it?
As mentioned, we are talking to people who hold a position of responsibility: within a company, of course, but not only those people. We appeal to all those who feel the need to align that axis between brain and liver in search of a fundamental and increasingly difficult to achieve serenity. ZAZZ is aimed at people who are about to make an important decision and want to do it with a clear mind, it is aimed at those who need to lower the level of stress. Managers? Yes, sure. But also, students, athletes, entrepreneurs. ZAZZ is very easy to try and find: we have a website (www.zazz.it) where we explain the product and tell the stories of ZAZZ, with a dedicated shop section and an easy and intuitive purchase procedure; we have one shop on Amazon, and we have a Facebook page where we talk about ourselves and those who know us.